Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Life is a funny place....

Intending to burn, pretending to fight for what’s mine. Things took a turn, I lost all desire to act. You live and I burn. I’m the falling star, soon to crash and burn, looks like we lost it. The endless nights, listening to you breathing, so slowly, pretending to fight for what mine: in the past. I want a little piece of you. We are a family of four. Still. And still I’m waiting for the echoes of the past, the sound of your warm voice in my ear. One little smile from you, brings it all to life again.
I’m sorry but he is mine, I need to scream.
Things took a turn; never did I expect this to happen to us. The un-thinkable just happened, you live and I burn. My magic life is all gone, I can’t find it.
Who are you, the greater question is: who am I without you in my life. You were my last outpost.
I long for those days in bed, no worries at all. If every star on the sky were an angel, would you fall for me again? I found a little piece of you in the corner of my eye.
I’ll leave you a mark: marks in you’re heart, so that you’ll never forget me.
I don’t want to end up a tragic heartbroken human being.
Suddenly, I realise it’s over.
Take me by the hand, and I will walk with you.