Friday, March 30, 2007

Paul Smith

ok, I have been in london and got a per of sunglasses for 229 punds.....the most I have ever spend on a per of sunglasses for my self...

Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Travel in my mind to a secret place....

I will travel to London next monday and stay there for 4 day´s...London is nice and I will stay with good friends....but I feel blue...spring make´s me cry...The Trick Is To Be Breathing....I just love Garbage...
Oh, and I have planed a trip to Florida in the next 2 weeks....why am I not happy?????????
what is missing in my life?....I have all according to my self and all around me...I live in a "safe" country...low crime rate´s and all that crap....still life is to still...I like action and I need too feel alive....
Oh, and I must remember to write a letter to a good friend of mine in Slovenia...she is my soul sister.....tell her about longing for love....

Good night moon

Saturday, March 17, 2007

Baby is born

My brother´s wife to be, just had a baby boy.....we are so glad....more to come!!!

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hi You!

How are you feeling today?
Not so, good i think...or I feel pretty damn bad...I can´t really say what is wrong, or how it feels...something is eating me up...My life is crumbling...and I can´t do a thing about it...or can I?
yes, you can, you have alway´s landed on your it again...just think..WHY....
Is all that is around us fake and a fraud?....
I know I´m hurt´s a lot......hmmmm,,....this does not make me feel better about my
I´m not perfect I know this...and I never will be perfect to my self...but to my cat I´m the most perfect person in the world, just as long as I give him som cat -food...that is soooo nice....

ok, stop this bad thinking and act instead

Thursday, March 8, 2007

The land of the midnight sun

I was looking out of my kitchen window, and guess was dark outside....I really want the sun to come again...I´m going crazy here...would like the sun to shine 24/7.....ok, I like my country...

Tuesday, March 6, 2007

what I love....

Hmmmm....I love wireless internet......freedom.....

Henrik at our summer house

My sweet and beautiful husband, outside our summer house, it is so lovely to take the boat and go fishing....well I just pretend that I´m fishing...I want that feeling of lonlyness....just sitting in the boat and look at the fish jumping on the water...or whatever the fish does.....this is in the north part of will take us 8 or 9 hours to drive to this paradise..if we are lucky....but it is worth it.....I want summer time right now....hmmm....ok, I hope you will be home soon...I miss you a lot....

Washington DC

Last month I was in DC´, it was of course a business trip but anyway I got to see this house..and the Roosevelt memorial place, that was all the time I could spend walking around in DC, the rest was work...I do hope that I will be back in DC to look at the other stuff that was interesting to me....after I few day´s in DC I got on a plane at headed for Atlanta, Georgia...what a nice city...and nice people....oh, I could almost live there....shoot here I am writting when i should be working....

Dubai by day

Dubai by night

This is me in Dubai, a quite crazy city, the land of imported is my business parter that took this pic of me...I really don´t like the camera..or the camera does not like me...never mind....I hope I will have the chance to go can go skiing in Dubai, if you ever would feel like it...yes, my ego needs more of this...

Sahara hotnights

I really like this swedish band, Sahara hotnight, they really rock....and they have good lyric´s and have something to say...The new album "cheek to Cheek" is to die for....I just need to listen to them everyday...a real life saver for me...and also they are girls and they are hard core superstars....ok, I need to work some is nice to be my own boss....

Monday, March 5, 2007

"birds of passage"

This is my son Texas, as Hulken at a friends house. He wanted to sleep in that thing.
He´s like a little Hulken always runs, never slow down....I guess he is in a hurry to do many things in life....

working late...

Tonight I´m working late and talking to my good friend/business partner C in Atlanta. He is watching South Park and I´m reading a book about Che Guevara....we have to wait for our conference call to start.....this is the big deal..time Sweden it is night and I should be in bed sleeping next to my husband....but No, here I am sitting infront of the computer, but I choose this line of just handle it, be a woman...a super woman...crap....

I have named my son after a state in the USA and my baby girl from the greek legends....their names will give them their character....I hope...Medea my sweet girl, she is so artistic..she will something creative....and Texas, he is just so cute, and he knows what he wants and make sure he gets it to..but in a nice and right way....I just love my kids...without them I would be Sweden we have cold weather and I wish for summer to come....soon I will be sleeping in my laptop...damn this meeting is taking forever to start....


Rumi - Whispers of the Beloved....

I was nothing,
you made me greater than a mountain.
I lagged behind,
you pushed me to the front.
My heart was shattered,
you healed it.
I turned into a lover of Myself.

this is the most beautiful words I know...the symbol´s are mind blowing...lover of

Dirty Harry

"there´s nothing wrong with shooting, just as long as the right people get shot" - Harry Callahan (Clint Eastwood)

It´s my life...By Dr alban


My life has just started, or that is what I think anyway. I have learned to say No, it took me 32 years to get to a place in life where I could say No and don´t feel quilty for saying No.
So, here in this blog I will write to my self ....kind of a keep me going....writting about my life is a way of looking at it from the outside....